Christina and Robert's Cross-Country Trip: Part 3, More Canada

In Niagara Falls, Can. on 6/27 we found a cute little motel with a pool and went off to see the falls. We took the tour behind the falls and ate dinner, then came back for the lit-up falls at night. We tried a Canadian go-cart place but they make you use 2 seat belts and awful-smelling, overused helmets--no fun. On Sunday we did Maid of the Mist in really hot weather, and Robert refused to wear his poncho, and was very happy and wet but cool for awhile. Then we did a very exciting mini golf course with sandtraps on almost every hole and lots of hills. I am remarkably good (think lucky) at getting balls out of sandtraps. We ate a Dairy Queen blizzard with chocolate dip, caramel sauce, and pecans each day, the first of many more on our trip. We ate dinner in a really good Japanese restaurant with tempura udon, the food of love, and an onigiri combo plate, each with a Korean-like assortment of pickles on the side.

Monday 6/29 we drove back to the US via Windsor, ON and Detroit. We stopped at a Nike factory outlet in Canada at Robert's request and I got a pair of Nike hikers for $34 Canadian!! Robert's size was all out in the cheap hikers. Then we went to the Canadian War Heritage Museum, a cool museum with old Canadian planes restored to flying condition. You could sit in a lot of them and move the rudder and flaps and tail. The museum was staffed by old Canadian air force or plane mechanics who volunteer to restore the planes and then wander around giving impromptu private tours--often telling you more than you ever wanted to know about a given plane.

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