We all had a great family visit. At right, you see Bill (proud grandfather) feeding green beans one at a time to the two youngest, Lauren (here eating) and John (here looking on hungrily). You may note that the two are clustered on a spiral staircase, which ascends to the loft where Robert and I slept. The loft itself provided an exciting spot in many games of "hide the half a plastic Easter egg" by the three older kids, and the staircase provided hours of endless fun for babies who kept climbing up it, with greater or lesser degrees of dexterity, and for adults, who--alternately, depending on their patience at the time--got to keep climbing up it making sure the young ones were all right on the steps and got to barricade the staircase with jackets and chairs and other obstacles so it would look less tempting. Somehow, we got through the week without a fall.

At left you see Jennifer, John, and Robert in the background, one night after dinner Jen and Joe's condo.

Below are two beaming fathers and kids, from left to right:

Brian with Lauren; John, bowl on head: "Hey, this was my idea!";

Lauren, bowl on head: "Ah, but doesn't it look better on me?"; and Joe with John.


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Created: 4/7/02. Last Modified: 4/7/02.