Marcus is ten months old!

Marcus is ten months old, a little over 20 pounds, wearing some 6-12 month clothes and some 12-18 month clothes. He has four full teeth and he eats strawberries like they were apples (they're proportionately right for him). He's also recently enjoyed bread-and-butter radishes from our CSA, Indian spinach with ground lamb, and of course Cheerios/puffs--which truly seem to be baby crack. He also accompanied me to the Boston Babywearers, where we practiced a back ruck carry with my trusty Storch wrap.

Then, on Wednesday of last week we flew to Washington, DC, since Robert got to testify for Congress on Thursday (exciting!) about a new kind of fund and the problems with it. Marcus and I did sight-seeing stuff on Thursday, and then Robert joined us on Friday before we all flew from DC to New York Friday night for a long weekend.

Robert and I finalized the arrangements for Marcus's first birthday party (at a Korean restaurant in Queens), and we got to visit with my parents, aunt, and cousins a lot. Saturday was our eleventh anniversary--lunch out while baby stayed with Grandma and Pop-pop--and Sunday was Father's Day, celebrated at the Pastrami King after church.

Flying down and back: at left, arriving in Washington. Since the plane was tiny, they made us deplane on the runway and wait for our bags to be brought to us. Marcus slept through the entire landing and deplaning, even though it was brisk--and noisy--on the runway. At right, Marcus nursed happily and slept most of the flight back to Boston.

Eating dinner Wednesday night at Wok and Roll in DC's Chinatown Wednesday night: we went in because they had $1 nigiri specials, which we combined with our favorite flounder in ginger sauce (like the old Ho Yuen Ting in Boston used to make well).

Eating dinner Thursday night at Philip's Seafood Buffet: this place on the DC waterfront had a fun Southern atmosphere and good king crab--Marcus may have been doing it wrong, but he did attack it enthusiastically.

Sightseeing in DC: at left, hanging out with a panda statue at the National Zoo on Thursday. Marcus and I took the subway there, and enjoyed a nice, grey day. We saw the youthful panda, we admired the baby gorilla (just like Marcus, attached to its mother's chest), and wemet a chemistry professor from Smith College with her daughters (breastfeeding companionably together on a bench). At right, posing on the Mall Friday afternoon after the American Indian Museum (fabulous cafeteria!) and the Air and Space Museum in a rare moment of sunshine.

Celebrating Father's Day: at left, posing in his "My Dad is My Hero" onesie with Robert (binary father that he is); at right, sitting with Rie and Steve after pastrami knishes and dill pickles for lunch.

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Created: 6/22/09. Last Modified: 6/24/09.