Christina and Robert's Cross-Country Trip: Part 11

Friday we got up early and were in Reno by 10am. We walked through a casino but didn't even bet a nickel. It was kind of depressing in there. We ate at a nice $7 buffet for lunch and then, full, headed out. We drove past Lake Tahoe and through Donnor Pass (cannibalism!) and ended up in Berkeley at 4pm to pack up my apartment.

The next Tuesday, 7/28, we drove our laboriously packed, way too big, way too bulky, 3 mile per gallon 24 ft Uhaul truck with broken air conditioning down to L.A., but with going 20 mph while flooring it on desert mountain passes, having the truck think it was out of gas while going up a hill a block away from our new home, and assorted other truck-related mishaps, we didn't get moved in until Sal, Sue, Jenna, Annie, Larry, Chris, and Jeff all showed up to help us unpack the truck at our new apartment on Wednesday evening.

Now, two weeks later, we are finally completely unpacked and settled into our apartment in Los Angeles. While we may never become true Californians, we are getting to know L.A. and even not be surprised at the bizarre way people drive or the lack of anything we might call "weather." We're living happily ever after, I guess--though not in California forever!

The End.

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Created: 8/16/98. Last Modified: 8/16/98