Robert and Christina Have a Baby: Announcing Marcus Omer

One Month Old. . . Already?!

I can't believe Marcus is a month old already. We feel like our lives have changed so much--Robert said he almost can't remember the "old" him, before Marcus--this is our life, already, and the old sense of who we were is fading away. This week Marcus weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces at his one month check-up, still growing at a faster than average rate. He's losing all his baby hair--in addition to shedding the lanugo from his shoulders, he's also losing the hair on his head. Meanwhile, we're starting to get a sense of his personality, and we're also starting to venture out farther from home (and for longer stretches of time), though leaving the house still seems like a mini adventure every time. Here are just a few more pictures from this last week.

Here's another picture of me holding Marcus in the Moby wrap. I wore him to the Stop and Shop and Target this week, and I also held him that way through church on Sunday. Yes, Marcus went to Sunday School (Robert and I were starting a Christian parenting class) and church for the first time today!

Above is the view from our roof one evening this week. This is the late-summer sky in the city Marcus was born--I wonder how much the skyline in Boston will change by the time he's old enough to read this.

Here are Robert and my father assembling the crib. Marcus is still sleeping in his basket next to our bed (or in our bed, for stretches of the night, depending on how sleepy we all are for night-time feedings) but we want to get the crib set up and his room completely ready to go for when he gets bigger.

Ah, here we have a series of drastically different babies (LOLbabies, perhaps?). From left to right, we have Baby Power Baby (pumping his fist in the air), Contemplative Baby. . . relaxing and philosophizing, I'm sure (and wearing one of the cute outfits Jef and Jin Yoon gave us), and Mr. Burns Baby, doing his best imitation.

We also have Sleepy Baby, here seen in another family photo (an "arm photo," taken with Robert's own long arm). . .

. . . and finally we have Squeaky Creaky Baby, as you can hear in this short video.


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Created: 9/21/08. Last Modified: 9/24/08.